First Time Buyers

First-time homebuyers often struggle to get to the closing table. This happens because they don’t prepare themselves for the home loan process. It’s not their fault, though, as it’s completely normal – buying a home is exciting! It’s super easy to get caught up in that excitement!
Once you get past that and are serious about buying a home, it’s time to hit the reset button and go about things the right way. To get started, you need to know this fundamental fact:
To successfully close on a home loan, you have to be able to get approved for a home loan – and be prepared for the responsibility of homeownership itself!
Now that this is out in the open let’s chat about what comes next.
It’s important to know that not all lenders are equipped to assist first-time buyers.
Choosing and working with a lender that specializes in helping first-time homebuyers is crucial and will be instrumental in ensuring you get your seat at the closing table. This is where we come in!
Although we work with all buyers, our specialty is assisting first-time buyers. Over the years, we’ve developed a process that guides and educates our clients on all aspects of the loan process – preparing them and walking them through each step.
If you’re wondering how many steps there are, there are six! And, if you want to guarantee that you’ll be approved for a home loan AND become a homeowner – all six steps need to be followed.
There’s no need to worry, though, because we walk our clients through each one.

When you work with Havana and Wendy,

they’ll help you navigate the loan process and help you tackle all six steps to homeownership. Whether you need help with just one or all six steps, they’ll work with you on:
Anyone that completes all six steps will not only get approved for a home loan but also will be able to get their seat at the closing table and become a homeowner.
We believe that anyone who wants to be a homeowner can be a homeowner – as long as they are willing to do what it takes to get there.
What you did before is irrelevant. The past doesn’t matter. What matters is what you start doing right now.

If you’re ready to get started we’re standing by to help you down the path to homeownership!

Use the Apply Now button to submit your application!